612 FILM
Amidst the backdrop of global upheaval, '612' offers a unique perspective on the collision of American ideals, demographic shifts, and the evolving national landscape. Directed and produced by Diem Van Groth, a multi-racial, Black Vietnamese individual who was adopted and grew up in Minneapolis, the film provides an intimate portrayal of a Midwest town grappling with systemic disparities that affect its minority communities. Diem's personal experiences, including his return to Minneapolis during the George Floyd protests, add a deeply personal and insightful layer to the narrative.
'612' is a testament to the power of local action in driving national change. The film amplifies the voices of diverse thought leaders and showcases their unsung acts of heroism in the quest for unity and societal renewal. It highlights three grassroots initiatives—the Rondo Land Bridge Project in St. Paul, Minnesota; V3 Sports in North Minneapolis; and the Page Scholars Program led by NFL Hall of Famer and Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Alan Page—as prime examples of how local endeavors can have a profound impact on a national scale.
By chronicling the historic global protests sparked by George Floyd's murder, "612" captures the transformative potential of collective action for justice and equality. The documentary underscores the empowering effect of community solidarity and the rise of the Post-911 Generation, revealing how ordinary individuals can catalyze extraordinary change when united, empowering us all to take action.
"612" culminates with a poignant message of resilience, illustrating how communities can emerge stronger from adversity to forge lasting systemic change. Offering a beacon of hope and a tangible blueprint for a brighter future, "612" celebrates the indomitable spirit of communities striving for a more just and equitable society.
Director: Diem Van Groth
Writer: Diem Van Groth
Producer: David Massey (Academy Award Nominated Director, Black Filmmakers Hall of Fame)
Producer: Diem Van Groth
Executive Producer: Sarah Brokaw (Relational Dynamics Thought Leader. Licensed Therapist. Media Consultant. Daughter of legendary NBC News Anchor Tom Brokaw)
Executive Producer: Kokayi Ampah (Color Purple. The Soloist. Mystic River. The Shawshank Redemption. Million Dollar Baby)
Executive Producer: Clint Schaff (LA Times Studios. Edelman. Golin)
Executive Producer: Diem Van Groth
Special Thanks:​​
Story Review: Samuel D. Pollard is an American film director, editor, producer, and screenwriter. His films have garnered numerous awards such as Peabodys, Emmys, and an Academy Award nomination. In 2020, the International Documentary Association gave him a career achievement award.
Meredith Lavitt (Former Director of Sundance Ignite at Sundance Institute, Former President of Original Thinkers)
Mobolaji Olambiwonnu (Directors Guild of America Student Filmmaker Award. Tribeca film festival award winner (Ferguson Rises))
Interview Cinematographer: Tannie Tang
Interview Production Designer and Art Director: Jose Herrera
Interview Sound: Tersharra Hill
Inspiration and Guidance: The Black Association of Documentary Filmmakers – West
Production and Cinematography Services: Alejandro Miranda, Bravebird
Brandon & Lance Kramer, Meridian Hill Pictures (Webby Award Winners. Chesapeake Film Festival and Indie, Capital Awards Winners)
Assistant Editor: Lucia Fox-Shapiro
Legal: Sheri Linzell, Linzell Law
Incredible Contributors:
Brokaw Family Foundation
David Whitman
Bert Cohen
Jennifer Ramberg
Joanne Dornan
Cookie Agnew
Paula Curtin
Nan Newton
Tomme Tobias
Diem Van Groth — Film narrator and interviewer
Marvin Anderson — Retired Attorney at Law and former Minnesota State Law Librarian. Board Chair, ReConnect Rondo. Executive Director, Rondo Center of Diverse Expression
John Gordon — Former attorney Faegre Baker Daniels, Former Executive Director American Civil Liberties Union of Minnesota (ACLU of MN)
Maddie and Emma — University of Minnesota graduate students and community organizers
TGall — Community Activist
Alan Page – Retired Minnesota state Supreme Court judge. Minnesota Viking. College Football Hall of Fame and the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
Erika L. Binger – Founder V3. Philanthropist. Former Chair McKnight Foundation. Former world triathlete and aquathlete champion.
Susan Brower – Minnesota State Demographer and Director of the Minnesota State Demographic Center.
Delina White – Native Apparel Designer, Jewelry Maker & Beadwork Artist, Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe.
Henry Lake – Lake Media Group, Talk show host (WCCO, Fox, The Lake Show).
Patty Hand – Chief Operating Officer Minnesota Department of Education.
Markus Flynn – Executive Director at Black Men Teach.